“give attendance to reading” paul’s admonition to timothy, “”till i come, give attendance to reading…” (1 tim. (1 timothy 4:13) some years ago, when spending a few days at h.
They read god’s word, but they did not understand it or obey it.
Give attendance to reading. The apostle paul writes to timothy, “till i come give attendance to reading, to exhortation, to doctrine.” in those days, manuscripts of the scriptures were few and far between, many could. The aged apostle paul penned these words to the young evangelist timothy: Kept alert and keen, ready to give an answer to every man that asketh a reason for our hope (i peter 3:15).
When you give attendance to god’s word and what he asks of you, then you are being an intelligent hearer. David cloud, way of life literature, p.o. They pointed out the path to growth and undreamed of possibilities.
It was proposed to have preaching in. Bible verses from my daily readings. Read 8 reviews from the world�s largest community for readers.
God has given to us a new nature, a membership in a new family, a citizenship in a new country, and a destination and permanent residence in. Unraveling of life that is a standard to behold and live. They read god’s word, but they did not understand it or obey it.
Box 610368, port huron, mi 48061. Paul, that he would one day be enabled once more to visit the. If give attendance to reading were the only directive on the subject, christians.
(1 timothy 4:13) some years ago, when spending a few days at h. The words give attendance to reading invited timothy (i tim. Why should you give attendance to reading?
In reading the bible, nothing should be scanned, nothing gulped, no assumptions made, but every word should be read carefully and considered. “ the scripture is talking about fellowship. There is no lack of reading material or opportunity to.
Reading and studying isn’t just for students, either. Psalm 79 》 psalm 79 kjv 11b.according to the greatness of thy power preserve thou those that are appointed to die;. Harvey wasn�t interested in books and didn�t read anymore, so inheri.
It is even rarer for the scripture to be read to children. “give attendance to reading” paul’s admonition to timothy, “”till i come, give attendance to reading…” (1 tim. Paul wrote to timothy, “till i come, give attendance to reading, to exhortation, to doctrine.” (i.
Many children will grow up in church having heard the same five verses over and over, but nothing more. 1 timothy 4:13 13 till i come, give attendance to reading, to exhortation, to doctrine. 4:13) to the joys of discovering hidden treasures.
When your children see you reading regularly, they. “till i come, give attention to reading, to exhortation, to doctrine” (1 timothy 4:13). In identifying with the truth we mentioned that it was a case of pursuing god�s will, and seeking to walk in his.
10 for therefore we both labour and suffer reproach, because we trust in the living god, who is the saviour of all men, specially of those that believe. 《 my scheduled readings for today: 1timoyhy 4:13 “till i come, give attendance to reading, to exhortation, to doctrine.